Minutes away from downtown fort lauderdale and located just off w broward blvd and i-95 interchange, this building is just a few steps away from a large shopping plaza that has everything a tenant needs, from walmart to restaurants and more. the property has 10 xxl one bedroom apartments, with all units upgraded, reduced insurance rate due to hurricane impact doors & windows, ac mini-split systems in all units, new stainless-steel appliances and updated landscaping. enjoy a strong cashflow right from the start and let the property appreciate.2781 SW 2ND ST, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33312
Commercial - for Sale
2781 SW 2ND ST, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33312Asking Price$1,995,000
- Year Built 1965
Days on market:
67 day(s) Tax Legal Description:
MIDLAND 1ST ADD 40-13 B LOT 11,12 BLK 14Tax Year:
F10422383 -
Property Type:
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