$68,400 в месяц • площадь дома 3762 sqft
Business - for Rent
1415 NW 23RD, CHIEFLAND, FL 32626Цена$68,400 в месяц
- Living 3762sqft
- Lot size 19602sqft
- Taxes: Register to see
- Год постройки 1997
Дней на сайте:
80 дней Original Price:
Цена/фут2 ЖП:
$18.18 Tax Legal Description:
The West 1/2 of the following described property: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 26, Township 11 South, Range 14 East, Levy County, Florida and running thence West 210 feet for a Point of Beginning; thence continue West 210 feet; thence run South 210 feet; thence run East 210 feet; thence run North 210 feet back to the point of beginning, LESS the North 25 feet thereof conveyed to Levy County for road right-of way.Tax Year:
FC303682 -
Тип Объекта:
Business -
Мин. срок аренды:
До конца срока аренды:
3 to 5 YearsТип констркукции:
MetalОписание системы охлаждения:
Central AirОписание системы обогрева:
CentralОписание этажа:
Laminate TileОборудование:
RefrigeratorDryerWasherLot Features:
Central Business DistrictCity Lot